
A blaze of yellow

The yellow flowers on this shrub blazed in the morning sun.

The yellow flowers on this shrub blazed in the morning sun.

This shrub caught my eye this morning, its yellow flowers standing out like a vivid beacon against the shade-dappled adobe walls of a Santa Fe art museum behind it.

(ps: if you know what this shrub is called, please let me know.)

12 thoughts on “A blaze of yellow

      • I intend to share the bench photos, never fear! I took a few bench ones today at the Grand Canyon — plus another couple hundred without a bench. It’ll take me a year to sort the whole trip’s photos! 😦


      • I know THAT feeling! I have been going through photos (to weed out crap ones and duplicates) since forever, and never get any closer to finishing ONE country! I have started taking less pictures though – if you can call 105 of engine houses less 😦


      • I’m not even sure what an engine house is!
        At a rough count, I have about 1,100 from the past three weeks. Oh my. (About 50 are benches, so I hope you feel guilty!)


      • Not in the least 😉
        I still take photos of the damn things myself and I was hoping that the challenge would wean me off them. I keep seeing benches in the most wonderful locations!


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